Triboscope (Static Field Locator)
- The Triboscope allows you to find natural static energy and not have to worry about picking up current electricy that is man made such as wiring in the walls. Triboelectricity is electricity generated by friction like humans can generate by touch.
- Visually follows Triboelectric fields visually allowing you to be Scientifically informed of such fields that are handy during a Paranormal investigation.
- The first ever Triboelectric field meter introduced into the Paranormal Field.
- Picks up triboelectric fields and signals them visually on the Plasma display .
- When the Triboscope detects a static field it will alert you visually with the Plasma display at the end of the meter. Add the audio option and when triggered the Triboscope alarms you with an audible alert.
- Tailored for Paranormal Investigation's to detect fields we cannot see with our eye's such as the hair lifting up from one's arm during an investigation.
- Ambient blue light to detect the unit in the dark.
- Powered off 4 X AA Batteries.
- While Paranologies Test's all its equipment with actual Paranormal Team's with good results, this is in no way proof of detecting anything Paranormal. Any sensor used for a Paranormal Investigation can and will false. It is up to the User of the sensor to use control testing while looking for intelligent patterns before it may be deemed Paranormal.
- All of our items are custom items that are hand built when ordered unless you order Rush shipping. Rush shipping items are pre-built and ready to ship. Rush shipping items are not guaranteed for International orders.
- We do NOT offer refunds for any reason. We have a lifetime warranty on parts and labor with the exception of cracked LCD screens.
- All images/video's of our design's are subject to change without notice. Features and specifications of the products may differ slightly from those shown and listed on this site. If you receive an Item that differs from our site, it is an improvement to the product and the newest version available. We are constantly striving to improve our products by gathering data from our Focus groups and our independent Investigations. All of our images/videos are subject to copyright and cannot be used without our written permission.
- A note from the Creator Jeromy Jones-
"The Tribo Meter is a Triboelectricity meter meaning it detects different votages of static electricity.We all have static electricity in us, so the reason why I designed this meter is in hopes that we carry this electricity with us when we pass so it can be picked up by such meters. Just like all of my meters, they do not false like the ones you are probably used to seeing on tv etc. Mel/K2 meters etc. all pick up man made electricity called Current electricity. In order for current electricity to work, it has to have wiring for the current to flow. So if the Mel or K2 goes off its a high probability that its detecting nothing more than a current electricity flow somewhere between 1 ft away and 1 mile away. I wanted to build something that doesn't give you these false hopes. The Tribo Meter detects free floating static electricity and displays its path of travel on the tubes. If you were to try to set it off yourself you would first have to be charged up somehow. Walking on carpet rapidly or brushing your hair with your hands can sometimes do it. However if it is very humid outside static electricity diminishes as the water molecules attach to the static and discharges it. The neat thing about the Tribo Meter is that even under humid conditions I have had it go off in communication. So as it seems you may not be able to get it to go off by yourself or maybe it goes off with someone else, this does not mean its not working. Take it to an investigation, set it on the floor at least 3-5 feet away, and ask questions. You will be amazed on the responses you get if its indeed a haunted location. This is the first meter introduced into the field for this purpose over 10 years ago. We appreciate all the support throughout all the year.